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Cangel Best Lovers

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 Rêve prémonitoire (#111)

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9 participants
Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Jan 2007, 18:14

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Season19

Une nuit, Angel rêve d'un vampire qui attaque sauvagement une femme dans une ruelle déserte. Le monstre affamé de sang se retourne et Angel découvre, horrifié, son propre visage. Il apprend le lendemain que l'inspecteur Kate Lockley enquête sur une affaire de meurtre étrangement semblable au crime auquel il a assisté en rêve la nuit précédente. Cordelia et Wesley effectuent des recherches et découvrent que le meurtre en question a été perpétré selon la technique d'Angel. Celui-ci est très troublé. Il n'est pas loin de penser qu'il souffre d'un dédoublement de la personnalité, en tout cas de pertes de conscience qui auraient pu le contraindre au pire...

Qu'avez-vous pensé de cet épisode?

Dernière édition par a.a.k le Dim 28 Sep 2008, 17:57, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 7885
Age : 39
Localisation : Au paradis ... Avec mes Anges, dans les bras de mon Superman .
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Jan 2007, 18:46

J'ai beaucoup aimè c'etais asez sympa je trouve de voir angel doutè..puis cordy est wes sont a mourir de rire :D Et la fin est terrible .la scène final est superbe.
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeJeu 01 Fév 2007, 22:53

J'ai adoré cette épisode. On en apprend plus sur Angel et son passé + on a un peu d'Angélus.

J'ai aimé voir l'interaction entre Angel et un vampire qu'il a transformé. On nous a donné de super dialogues et des scènes de combats géniales. Puis j'étais contente que Kate apprenne enfin qu'Angel est un vampire, et la façon dont elle l'apprend est chouette.

Wes et Cordy sont marrant. J'aime le discours de Cordy sur Angel et comment elle est loyale envers lui (jusqu'à ce qu'il avoue avoir quelque chose à faire avec les meurtres). Et la dernière scène du balcon est un magnifique moment d'amitié entre eux...
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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

Nombre de messages : 9589
Localisation : nord (59)
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeSam 10 Fév 2007, 17:34

J'adore la scène finale, le petit sourire en coin d'angel à la remarque de cordy, le franc parlé de cordélia qui dédramatise un peu la situation.

J'aime la façon dont cordy soutient angel à fond. Wesley est toujours aussi drôle
On découvre un nouveau compaire d'angel. Je l'aime bien comme vampire, il a du style. C'est toujours bien d'en savoir plus sur le passé d'angel.

Kate connait enfin la nature d'angel et on voit tout de suite qu'elle va avoir du mal à l'accepter.
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007, 00:58

Review de l'épisode:

Bouts que je préfère:

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We see the scene in negative briefly, and the shot blurs and refocuses occasionally. Style choice, or drunken cameraman? You decide.

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Cordy responds, "Nobody likes a smart-ass rogue demon hunter." And nobody likes Wesley, ever.

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She tells the assembled detectives, "Our suspect will be a white male. To the observer, he will not seem a monster. His victims put up little or no struggle, so it's likely [that] he's charming, [and] attractive, but at his core, he's a loner." Which reminds me, I haven't made any hostile comments about my ex lately.

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Intercut with all of this nonsense are shots of Angel roaming the streets. At night. Even though it was pretty clearly daytime when he was at the police station mere moments ago.

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Angel sees a blonde at a hotdog stand. She turns. Surprisingly, it is not Buffy. Wow, they sure had me fooled.

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First, some serial killers have claimed to have multiple personality disorder, but it's pretty rare, and I can't imagine what basis Kate has for even mentioning it, except to slander people who actually suffer from this problem. Second, "painful break-up" is way down on the list for inspiring homicidal behavior. Often, serial killers have ongoing relationships even while they pursue their little hobbies. Third, I'd really like to know what leads Kate to believe this is an experienced killer when they only have three bodies, and why she doesn't mention whatever it is to the other cops. She doesn't even mention where the victims were found, or whether they were moved after their deaths. Plus, has she provided any useful information here? A white male. No age, no description of his habits, in what area of town to look for him, no mention of those "clue" things that I hear detectives are into. Finally, for the three victims to be so different is very unusual, and is yet another reason to nix the "bad break-up" idea, since then the killer would probably focus on people who resembled his ex. Okay, I know that all of these things were mentioned to make us think that maybe Angel is the killer, but come on, we know he isn't, so don't bother.

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Cordy stares at it in horror and says, "Oh my God. You cut up Doctor Folger's newspaper? You're gonna get us kicked out of this building!" If no one's complained about the demons crashing in through windows, why would they care about a stolen newspaper?

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A Christian cross. Not that other, different-looking kind. Cordy speaks for us all when she tells Wesley, "You get to leave now."

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There's a brief glimpse of the old Angelus we knew and loved! Or, at least, knew and didn't despise quite as much.

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A Puritan lass runs down the dark, deserted streets. Oh, wait, they're actually not deserted at all. She passes two carriages and some other pedestrians, and decides she'd be safer in an even darker locked courtyard with no people in it. If vampires are weeding out people who are this stupid, I really have no complaint against them.

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We hear Angel say, "There now, isn't that better?" in his faux-Irish accent. A quick shot of him with scraggly long hair and period clothes gives me a fit of the giggles as we cut back to Angel waking up in bed.

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Again we see the period Angelus say, "There now, isn't that better?" No, I'm afraid your accent and hair are still pretty awful, dude.

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Is there some sort of rule that vampires have to have goofy hair? Is that why Spike keeps his hair laminated to his skull?

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I'm not surprised that Wesley likes Gallagher, but I am pleased to have even more evidence that Wesley sucks.

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Angel insists that Kate will track down that nasty Penn eventually. Heck, with that incredibly useful and accurate profile she developed, she's probably found him already.

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Kate asks if he's okay, "Not that the brooding, man-of-mystery thing isn't working for you. It is. A lot." Ugh. I've decided to believe that Kate is, quite understandably, suspicious about Angel, and where all of his money comes from, and so on, and as a result she continues hitting on him in this embarrassing way as an excuse to ask him personal questions and find out what he's up to. I'm not claiming there's any evidence for this, it's just my little way of retaining a shred of respect for her.

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Kate complains, "Some of your more inconsiderate serial killers fail to leave us any clues." Yeah, like ritual markings on the victims. That's not a clue or anything.

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Kate gestures to a map of Los Angeles and says, "Let's have patrols here, and here." I'm hoping that we missed a whole lot her plan, because two patrol units doesn't sound like "every resource this department has."

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Kate decides she'll go into the building. Alone. Without so much as a bullet-proof vest.

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Angel starts climbing up a drainpipe, so I guess when the police say a building is "sealed," they mean, "We've got some guys waiting at the front door."

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Penn notices Kate requesting backup (sure, now she thinks of that)

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As Angel picks himself up, Kate stares at him, probably wondering why on earth his eyebrows look so dumb.

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Angel says, "Details have been left out of the press reports. There's something you've held back. Isn't that right?" No! Say it isn't so! Why, the police usually give the press every little detail about an unsolved crime, because that makes their work so much easier! If my eyes don't stop rolling, I'm going to need Dramamine.

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"You realize, you'll never make it to the exit before I --" "Go up like a match?" Cordy finishes, as she raises the blinds so that light streams into the room. Props to Cordy; that was one of the rare instances of good thinking we've seen in this show.

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Angel enters from the other door and sees Penn. They stare at each other across the ray of sunlight bisecting the room. Which shouldn't be enough to bother them, given all of Angel's daylight romps, plus Angel is wearing a long coat, plus, oh, you know, everything else they've done to make sunlight a minimal hindrance to Angel.

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While Angel toys with his stake (if you know what I mean).

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Wesley strolls in, and Penn grabs him from behind. Maybe they should hang a sock on the doorknob when they're having a standoff with a vampire, to avoid this type of mix-up.

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Kate peruses the bookshelves at a place called Ancient Eye. Angel walks the streets. Penn scratches his ear. I brew some cocoa while nothing but a montage happens for over a minute.

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"Good old predictable Penn," chuckles Angel. They are so lucky to have antagonists who are even more clueless than they are.

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Angel enters the tunnel behind Penn and asks, "Bus full of school children, Penn? You really thought I was going to fall for that?" It's nice that Angel never bothers taking advantage of the element of surprise or anything. Idiot.

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Penn shouts, "You made me! You taught me! You approved of me in ways my mortal father never did. You're my real father, Angelus." I think Penn needs an intervention.

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Angel does his best by throwing Penn to the floor and saying, "You're grounded." Stop him before he quips again.

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More fighting. It's a pretty good fight, actually. And it gives me time to wonder if Drusilla had a sibling rivalry with Penn or anything.

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Cordy concludes, "People really do change." Angel agrees, "Yes, they do. And sometimes, they change back." Only when they get a little slayer-nookie.

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Angel, determined to be depressing, says, "If the day ever comes that I --" Cordy finishes the thought, "Oh, I'll kill you dead." Angel offers her an insincere, "Thanks." "What are friends for?" asks Cordy. Considering what a problem Angel was for the Scooby Gang last time he went bad, I'm not sure why Cordelia is so confident she could deal with it.
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Nombre de messages : 6036
Age : 36
Localisation : Un lieu secret
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2007

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007, 11:47

J'ai bien aimé cet épisode surtout la scène finale sur le balcon, on sent une réelle amitié et c'est superbe.
Sinon j'étais contente que Kate connaisse enfin la vraie nature d'Angel dans cet épisode.
Et j'aodre quand on en apprend plus sur le passé d'Angel, c'est toujours un petit +.
Cordy et Wes sont très drôles aussi dans cet épisode.
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Nombre de messages : 1749
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2007

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007, 16:18

Encore des retours dans le passé donc forcement j'adore.
Kate apprend enfin la vraie nature d'Angel et il est clair qu'elle va pas bien l'accepter.
Mais bon même sans ça, ça passait pas tellement.
La scène finale est extra. Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Thumbup
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Willow/Xander Fan
Willow/Xander Fan

Nombre de messages : 3354
Age : 38
Localisation : Val d'Oise
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeJeu 07 Juin 2007, 20:08

Pour une fois j'aime assez Kate, sa réaction me semble pas excessive face à une telle information et j'aime bien ce qu'elle fait quand elle tue Penn, elle vise pas le coeur pour Angel, bien qu'on pourrait le croire sur le moment.
Un épisode très sympa !
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeDim 09 Aoû 2009, 22:44

Répliques qui valent la peine qu'on s'en souvienne:

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Cordelia: (to Angel) Wow, you look half-dead. Which for someone who's completely dead would be... kinda neat?

Kate: Angel, are you okay? Not that the brooding "man of mystery" thing isn't working for you. I mean it is, a lot.

Wesley: While executing my duties as Watcher in Sunnydale, I did extensive research, specifically on Angel, given his uncomfortable proximity to the Slayer.
Cordelia: He looked pretty comfortable to me.

Wesley: Notice the modus operandi? The mutilation of the corpse with a religious icon?
Cordelia: I'm against it?

Cordelia: (to Wesley) I don't care how many files you have on all the horrible things that he did back in the Powdered Wig Days. He is good now. And he is my friend. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn on a friend.
Angel: Cordelia, he's right.
Cordelia: You stake him, and I'll cut his head off.

Angel: I'm not gonna hurt you.
Cordelia: Oh, is that what you said to Miss Third Body Found in Alley?

Wesley: You fear these might be more than just dreams, that you're acting them out in some sort of hypnagogic state.
Cordelia: Hypna-wha-gic?
Wesley: Sleepwalking.
Cordelia: Vampires can't sleepwalk. He'd take one step out the front door, and his PJs would burst into flames.

Cordelia: (while tying Angel to the bed) The glamorous L.A. life. I get to make the coffee and chain the boss to a bed. Gotta join a union.
Angel: Cordelia, I think that's tight enough.
Cordelia: And if it turns out we're back on a liquid lunch? Better safe than cocktails.

Cordelia: And no offense, Angel, but maybe you are just committing these horrible crimes in your dreams, but even so, I don't wanna stick around for your nocturnal commissions.

Cordelia: Good news, sports fans! There's been another killing. Okay, well maybe not so great news for the, you know, dead person. But at least now we know that Mr. I'm So Tortured didn't do it.

Cordelia: Gallagher's changed his act more times than this dude has in the last two centuries. Why do you think he's still doing the same old shtick?
Wesley: Well, I mean it's a classic isn't it? (pause) Every time he smashes that watermelon with a sledgehammer I just...

Wesley: You can't walk into a police precinct with intimate knowledge about these murders and claim a 200 year-old Puritan is responsible. You'd be locked up faster than Lady Hamilton's virtue! (to Cordelia) My apologies...
Cordelia: (pause) That's okay. I-I don't know what that meant.

Cordelia: Oh crap! You're him... he... the guy. Apt pupil boy.

Penn: We were to meet in Italy, remember?
Angel: I remember.
Penn: Well, I waited. Hell, I waited until the 19th century. What happened?
Angel: Got held up in Romania.
Penn: Romania. What's in Romania?
Angel: Gypsies.

Angel: It's gotta end.
Penn: Why, because you say so? How does that work exactly? Do you just wake up one morning and decide, "Okay, now I'm good?" No, Angelus, it doesn't end, it never ever ends. It just goes on and on.
Cordelia: That's not the only thing that goes on and on.

Angel: I'm sorry what I did to you, Penn, what I turned you into.
Penn: A first class killer? A bold re-interpreter of the form?
Angel: Try cheesy hack. Look at you. You've been getting back at your father for over 200 years. It's pathetic and cliched. You've probably got a killer shrine on your wall. News clippings, magazine articles, maybe a few candles. Oh, you are so prosaic.

Wesley: Where'd you get the police radio?
Angel: Police car.
Wesley: Oh dear!

Penn: You approved of me in ways my mortal father never did! You're my real father, Angelus.
Angel: Fine! You're grounded.

Cordelia: If you're wondering why this vein on my temple is doing the cha-cha, it's because I just had one of those bone-crunching, mind-splitting, vision headaches.

Angel: I was just thinking about how much this place is like where I grew up.
Cordelia: Right. Yeah. I can see that, except for the cars and the buildings and the, you know, everything else.

Cordelia: People really do change.
Angel: Yes they do...and sometimes they change back. If the day ever comes that I...
Cordelia: Oh, I'll kill you dead.
Angel: Thanks.
Cordelia: What are friends for?
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Etre supérieur
Etre supérieur

Nombre de messages : 997
Age : 31
Localisation : Bruxelles,Belgium
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2009

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeLun 31 Aoû 2009, 17:32

Kate qui capte enfin que les vampires existent (je pensais que ca fesait longtemps qu'elle avait capté mais bon ) Encore une nouvelle facette du mystérieux Angelus.
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Beautiful Family
Beautiful Family

Nombre de messages : 1444
Age : 39
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2009

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeVen 12 Fév 2010, 11:55

J'ai bien aimé cet épisode j'ai vraiment cru qu'Angel faisait tout ces meutres. J'aime beaucoup quand Cordy defend Angel quaand Wesley le soupçonne d'avoir commis c'est meutres. Kate je l'ai bien aimé car malgré tout ce qu'elle a appris sur son passé elle ne l'a pas tué.
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Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rêve prémonitoire (#111)   Rêve prémonitoire (#111) Icon_minitimeVen 30 Sep 2011, 21:00

J'ai bien aimé cet épisode ! Notamment parce qu'il met en avant le passé d'Angel(us) à nouveau (avec sa marque de fabrique, la croix sur la joue), et c'était intéressant de voir ressurgir un élément de son passé de cette façon. Quelqu'un qu'il a formé et à qui il a appris ses techniques... C'est dommage qu'on en ait pas su plus sur Penn d'ailleurs, j'aurais bien aimé ! Et j'ai trouvé intéressant qu'il lui sorte un discours assez similaire à celui de Spike dans "Destin" en saison 5, lors du combat, en disant que c'est lui son père, lui qui lui a tout appris et l'a formé à être comme il est. Le fond est totalement différent, parce que Spike le reproche à Angel, et Penn pas du tout, mais c'est intéressant que la forme soit si similaire. Et qui plus est, petite side note, on remarque que la première personne tuée par Penn sous l'influence d'Angélus, c'est sa propre soeur... Comme Angélus a tué sa famille. Il y a franchement de quoi creuser pour les rapports complexes d'Angélus avec la famille.

J'ai aussi bien aimé qu'au départ, entre les flash-backs et les doutes d'Angel & Wesley, on soit vraiment portés à croire que c'est Angel qui a agi pendant son sommeil (ça aurait été une intéressante storyline d'ailleurs).

J'ai beaucoup aimé la scène des retrouvailles, quand Penn lui dit qu'il l'a attendu pendant un siècle en Italie, et qu'Angel dit qu'il était en Roumanie lol!

Cet épisode marque également un tournant vis-à-vis de Kate. Elle apprend enfin la réelle identité et nature d'Angel, de manière assez intéressante d'ailleurs. J'ai énormément aimé au début de l'épisode quand elle lui dit qu'elle lui fait confiance, après qu'Angel lui ait donné le portrait robot de Penn. On sent qu'il s'est établi une vraie relation de confiance entre eux, assez particulière. Chose assez remise en doute par la suite. Kate ne comprend pas vraiment les nuances bien/mal que peuvent provoquer la présence ou absence d'une âme chez un vampire. Surtout après tout ce qu'elle a dû lire sur Angélus quand elle s'est renseignée... Cela dit, quand elle tue Penn avec le gros machin en bois, elle aurait pu faire plus de dégâts que ça sur Angel (d'ailleurs, le pauvre, ça doit pas être agréable de se faire transpercer de cette façon Laughing ), mais elle a volontairement évité d'en arriver là, signe qu'il y a quand même une forme d'attachement qui s'est formé et je ne pense pas qu'elle aurait pu se résoudre à le tuer sans remords. Après, Kate reste une bonne flic, elle ne se laisserait pas influencer...

La scène finale entre Cordy et Angel est une magnifique scène d'amitié !!! J'ai adoré ♥ Elle lui remonte le moral d'une bien jolie façon, et j'adore comme elle lui réassure que s'il déconne à un moment donné, elle le tuera lol!

Angel: “And sometimes they change back. - If the day ever comes that I...”
Cordy: “Oh, I’ll kill you dead!”
Angel blinks: “Thanks.”
Cordy turns to go: “What are friends for?”

Elle est énorme lol!
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