Cangel Best Lovers
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Cangel Best Lovers

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 20 personnages gays

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Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

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MessageSujet: 20 personnages gays   20 personnages gays Icon_minitimeDim 22 Aoû 2010, 23:45

Dans ce classement, on retrouve Willow, Tara et... Andrew !
A noter également la présence d'un personnage de Firefly.

Citation :
Willow Rosenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Willow Rosenberg is perhaps the most well-rounded gay character in the genre, with years of blossoming from a geeky high schooler into a powerhouse witch. Willow had hints of her sexuality early on, when, as a junior at Sunnydale High, she learned that her vampire self was "kinda gay." When her boyfriend Oz left her to find himself, she found solace in her friendship with Tara ... and then in her more-than-friendship with Tara. Tara's untimely death turned Willow to evil, and after she redeemed and recovered, she was seduced by Kennedy the Slayer. Their relationship continues in the comic book, Buffy season eight, albeit slowly, as Willow wants to keep Kennedy safe.

Citation :
Tara Maclay, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

20 personnages gays Taramaclay-thumb-330x185-44945

Tara Maclay came into Willow's life when she needed a friend and fellow spellcaster, but it was obvious from the moment they locked hands for a spell that this was no ordinary friendship. Their relationship wasn't just hot. It was extra flamey. Week after week, we saw Tara's shyness melt away and her self-esteem grow to the point where she left Willow for abusing magic. When she returned, Tara accidentally wound up in the evil Warren's crosshairs. Her death still resonates with Willow to this day, as seen in the Buffy season-eight comic books.

Citation :
Andrew Wells, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

20 personnages gays Andrewwells-thumb-330x222-44954

In a way, Andrew deserves to be on this list more than any other character, because if he were real, he'd be reading it for himself. Andrew is a hard-core sci-fi fan, as told by his references to Star Trek and Stars Wars. He also happened to be devoted to Warren, which turned out to be a mistake. (*SPOILER*: Ultimate Evil, in the guise of Warren, convinced Andrew to kill his friend Jonathan.) Later, Andrew's affections shift to Spike. "You're like Gandalf the White, resurrected from the pit of the Balrog, more beautiful than ever." Although Andrew has never had a boyfriend, it's clear from his actions that he's gay. And a virgin.

Source : ICI
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