Cangel Best Lovers
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Cangel Best Lovers

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 Top 10 des nouveaux pilotes à regarder

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Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Top 10 des nouveaux pilotes à regarder Empty
MessageSujet: Top 10 des nouveaux pilotes à regarder   Top 10 des nouveaux pilotes à regarder Icon_minitimeVen 01 Juil 2011, 18:46

Ce top inclue "Ringer", mais aussi "A gifted man" avec Julie Benz, et "Free Agents" avec Anthony Head.

Citation :
'Ringer' (debuts Sept. 13 on the CW)
The concept of the artist formerly known as Buffy Summers playing sisters with deadly secrets could become either grating or convoluted, and the pilot didn't wow me. But there are some interesting elements here, and if they can be aligned properly, this Sarah Michelle Gellar vehicle might become a fun, 'Alias'-style ride.

Citation :
'A Gifted Man' (debuts Sept. 23 on CBS)
If you're like me, you read the description "A high-powered surgeon is visited by the ghost of his dead wife" and you instantly reach for the vomit bucket. Yet I found this wonderfully acted pilot thoughtful, compelling and even moving. The cast, which includes Jennifer Ehle, Patrick Wilson and Margo Martindale, is top-notch, and Jonathan Demme did a wonderfully restrained job in directing the pilot, which successfully avoids gloppy sentimentality. There's part of me that wonders if the quality of the pilot can be sustained over a full season, but I once wondered the same thing about 'The Good Wife,' and look how well that turned out. There's no guarantee that 'A Gifted Man' will become as excellent in the long-term as 'The Good Wife,' but I'm certainly going to stick around to see it try.

Citation :
'Free Agents' (debuts in the fall on NBC)
This workplace comedy has a welcome edge to it and the cast is good, in particular Anthony Stewart Head as the self-absorbed manager of a P.R. agency.
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