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 Un fan confronte James

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3 participants
Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Un fan confronte James Empty
MessageSujet: Un fan confronte James   Un fan confronte James Icon_minitimeDim 18 Déc 2011, 12:40

Un fan confronte James concernant sa peine vis-à-vis de la tentative de viol, et James réagit:

Citation :
Why I hated you James Marsters - Austin Wizard World 2011

It’s only a TV show. Take a deep breath and get a hold of yourself. Remember when you laughed at the girls at work a decade ago when they got upset? That’s what you told them: it’s only a TV show.

Doesn’t seem so funny now, huh?

About 2 years ago I worked my way through the Buffy and Angel shows while playing poker online. I would have 3 tables up and fill the 4th corner of the screen with a stream from Netflix. I played a lot of poker. I watched a lot of Netflix. I watched a lot of Buffy and Angel

It was the beginning of July of 2009 that I saw the episode that really got me mad. Spike tried to rape Buffy. I was furious. It didn’t matter that in a few episodes Buffy more or less forgave him or they had made an uneasy peace. For the viewers a decade ago, it was a passage of a couple of months and a week between episodes to sort through their feelings. I was watching 5 or 6 hours a day and I could not digest my emotional rollercoaster that fast. I was beside myself and still very angry for weeks.

Later that same July I had the chance to get James Marsters autograph at San Diego ComicCon. I saw him at a table with a line of fans. He fans adored him. He was all smiles. I was mad. How could he smile and how could the fans love him after what he tried to do to Buffy? I thought about standing in line and then really giving him a piece of my mind. Yes, I was really that angry.
Breathe; it was only a TV show…

I’m glad I didn’t wait in line and I didn’t get in his face.

It took me a while to get over that. I’m better now. Really, I am. It’s JUST a TV show. with the good…out with the bad. Breathe….

James Martsers was at Wizard World’s Austin ComicCon a few weeks ago. I got in line this time. I behaved like an adult.

He put his hand out and shook mine before we started. He asked how I was and I told him I had a chance to get his autograph 2 years before but I was mad at him. He paused and looked up. I started – You raped Buffy

He dropped the pen before I could say more and then he said: I’m sorry. Just like that. He said ‘mate when I read that, I thought about quitting the show’. He went on to say he told the writers that they don’t always understand what they ask the actors to do. The writers get caught up trying to outdo one another or work on something cathartic for themselves or just try to generate ratings.

He mentioned how hard that was for him and it affected him physically while on set. It was not something he wanted to do. He couldn't talk them out of doing it. There was no stopping it.

It was obvious he had to explain this lot. It was obvious he was trying to be open with me and give me an answer that would ease my lingering resentment. He seemed to really want me to come to terms with my feelings. I really appreciated it.

The large convention hall had narrowed down to just the two of us as we had an intense and honest discussion.
When he paused, I said I WAS over it. I said it took a while and I know it’s a TV show but it affected me. He said it affected him too. I felt like I got something off my chest and now it was time to hang out at the bar with him, like old friends and buy a round bitters.

I noticed he sat back in the chair. The tension was gone. I then realized he still had a line and I was bogging up the process. He signed my photo and he shook my hand again.

I told him thank you. I was saying thank you for more than just a photo and a few seconds of his time. I was saying thank you for allowing me to get rid of some of my baggage. And I was saying thank you for sharing some of his pain too.


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Willow Fabian
Willow Fabian

Nombre de messages : 1042
Age : 34
Localisation : Ancien pseudo: xIamwhoIamx
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Un fan confronte James   Un fan confronte James Icon_minitimeDim 18 Déc 2011, 16:33

J'adore la réaction de James! Un fan confronte James Invisio3
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Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Un fan confronte James   Un fan confronte James Icon_minitimeLun 19 Déc 2011, 02:55

Il a été exemplaire ^^
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