Written by Carl Ellsworth, the Scooby Gang finds themselves transformed into the costumes they’ve rented from Ethan's Costume Shoppe, and all hell erupts in Sunnydale. For anyone who has ever pondered what might happen if those little trick or treaters actually became the characters they portrayed, this one’s for you. Buffy goes southern belle, Willow creates the first slutty ghost, Xander gets all The Hurt Locker and William the Bloody muses, “This is just… neat.” It’s the perfect backdrop to carve a pumpkin to.
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"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" – ‘Fear, Itself’ (1999)
Written my David Fury, Buffy Summers and the gang find themselves once again at the epicenter of Halloween badness, or goodness, depending on how you look at it, when they attend a frat party hosted by a diminutive demon, with all the sugary ocular trappings of All Hallow’s Eve. Suspenseful, with a comedic finish, grab a bowl of candy corn and dig in.