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 Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah

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2 participants
Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah Empty
MessageSujet: Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah   Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin 2012, 00:36

Citation :
Sarah Michelle Gellar Honoured With Charity Award

Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar was honoured in Los Angeles on Saturday (16Jun12) for her charity efforts.

The animal-loving Buffy The Vampire Slayer star was presented with the Tom Mankiewicz Leadership Award during the Beastly Ball at the city's zoo, in recognition of celebrities who contribute to environmental causes.

Gellar, who is a patron of the zoo's Safari Club, got into the spirit of the event by holding a Boa constrictor, and she was joined by veteran actress Betty White at the bash.

The 35 year old says, "I started (charity work) because my mother taught me a long time ago that even when you have nothing, there's a way to give back and what you get in return for that is tenfold."
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah   Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah Icon_minitimeSam 21 Juil 2012, 10:31

Elle le mérite! Je suis ravie de voir que tout son travail est récompensé, d'une certaine manière ^^
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Un 'Charity Award' pour Sarah
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