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Cangel Best Lovers

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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juin 2011, 19:24

Yeah!!!! Season 4 rocks :005:

Et, en fait, je pense un peu comme toi, chaque saison surpasse la précédente. Enfin, c'était jusqu'à la saison 5. Attention, je l'ai adorée! Mais elle est un cran en-dessous je trouve, parce qu'ils ont pas super bien gérés les épisodes indépendants. Par contre, la saison 6 était de nouveau impec :mrg:

Et si tu aimes Cas, t'inquiètes, il est toujours présent en saison 5 et 6 ^^

Oh, par contre, juste un truc (la fille qui cale sur un détail :0077: ): Dans le 4x01, Sam sait très bien qui est la fille dans la chambre. Si tu regardes bien, c'est Geneviève Corteses, a.k.a la nouvelle Ruby Supernatural. - Page 13 686108

Mais j'adore comme tout le monde (ou presque) a eu la même réaction au changement d'actrice pour Ruby!!!
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Miss Kitty
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Spuffy shippeuse ♥
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 11473
Age : 34
Localisation : Sud de la France ^^
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2011, 20:09


J'ai repris là où je m'étais arrêtée, juste après la première apparition de Castiel donc, avec la révélation que Dean a été ramené par Dieu, et que les anges existeraient a priori avec l'exemple (impressionnant !) de Castiel. J'aime beaucoup les apparences des anges et la façon dont ils sont craint d'ailleurs ! Sinon, pour le moment, je ne sais pas ce que je pense du sujet en lui-même de Dieu/les anges. J'aime bien trouver des explications athées partout lol! Et le côté très athée de Dean est justement un aspect qui me plaît chez ce personnage (d'ailleurs, je le fangirlise à mort pour ce début de saison ♥ ). Donc là, je ne sais pas dans quelle direction ils nous emmènent ^^

Bref, concernant le 4x02, j'ai trouvé l'idée de fond très intéressante, avec le retour de personnes qui sont mortes en raison de causes surnaturelles et dont le décès peut influer sur un sentiment de culpabilité des chasseurs. "Le soulèvement des témoins". Initié par Lilith évidemment, qui cela aurait-il pu être d'autre ? lol! L'idée est intéressante, surtout que ça fait parti d'un plan plus grand, à savoir la grande apocalypse. Je suis curieuse d'en savoir plus sur le sujet, parce que c'est encore un peu flou tout ça.
D'ailleurs, j'adore quand Sam demande ce qu'ils vont faire maintenant, et que Dean suggère un tour en voiture lol!

J'ai aimé revoir des anciens personnages qu'on avait croisé dans les saisons précédentes et qui ont été des victimes malchanceuses... Je ne me souvenais pas des jumelles, mais vu qu'on ne suit pas la vie de Bob d'aussi près que celle des Winchester, je me dis que c'est pas ma mémoire défaillante mais bel et bien le fait qu'on ne les ait jamais vu lol!

La confrontation Dean/Castiel à la fin de l'épisode, dans la cuisine, pendant que les autres dorment est excellente ! (ou pendant son rêve, c'est un peu flou Razz ). J'ai beaucoup aimé ce passage. Déjà, je trouve l'alchimie entre les acteurs intéressante, donc c'est un joli plus. Et j'ai aimé les reproches qu'a fait Dean sur le fait que s'il y a un Dieu et des Anges, pourquoi aucun d'entre eux n'est intervenu quand ils en avaient besoin ? Des questionnements totalement logiques venant de quelqu'un comme Dean. Et je suis contente que ça ait été abordé.
Sinon, on apprend qu'on a donc 66 sceaux qui doivent être détruits pour arriver au terme de l'Apocalypse, et Lilith va s'amuser à tous les briser pour y parvenir ? Ca promet ! Surtout si l'objectif à terme est de libérer Lucifer. L'idée est terrifiante, mais au niveau de la storyline de la saison, ça promet énormément ♥ Au passage, ça nous indique aussi la raison du retour des Anges sur terre, et donc notamment Castiel, pour contrer l'Apocalypse. Le moment où il dit à Dean qu'il devrait lui montrer un peu plus de respect, qu'il l'a tiré de l'enfer, mais qu'il pourrait tout aussi bien l'y renvoyer est excellement bien joué. Ca m'a donné des frissons.

Un épisode intéressant donc, et je suis curieuse d'en apprendre plus sur "the big picture" de la saison ^^
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2011, 20:28

J'ai reviewé ta review (lol) sur WIAF, donc je vais éviter de faire double emploi.

Je me contenterais juste de dire que je suis ravie de lire tout ça ^^

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Nombre de messages : 777
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2010

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2011, 23:21

a.a.k a écrit:
Yeah!!!! Season 4 rocks Supernatural. - Page 13 005

Et, en fait, je pense un peu comme toi, chaque saison surpasse la précédente. Enfin, c'était jusqu'à la saison 5. Attention, je l'ai adorée! Mais elle est un cran en-dessous je trouve, parce qu'ils ont pas super bien gérés les épisodes indépendants. Par contre, la saison 6 était de nouveau impec Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_mrg

Et si tu aimes Cas, t'inquiètes, il est toujours présent en saison 5 et 6 ^^

Oh, par contre, juste un truc (la fille qui cale sur un détail Supernatural. - Page 13 0077 ): Dans le 4x01, Sam sait très bien qui est la fille dans la chambre. Si tu regardes bien, c'est Geneviève Corteses, a.k.a la nouvelle Ruby Supernatural. - Page 13 686108
Mais j'adore comme tout le monde (ou presque) a eu la même réaction au changement d'actrice pour Ruby!!!

ah bah du coup je comprend carrément mieux son attitude, parce que quand j'ai vu la scène j'ai cru qu'on avait échangé dean et sam
Je dois dire que je l'avais même pas reconnu tellement elle m'avait pas marqué, et ruby je m'attendais à voir une blonde et pas en brune surtout que j'aime bien celle dans la saison 3 (l'actrice) et puis je trouve qu'elle avait un peu plus de caractère dans l'autre saison
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Juil 2011, 15:57

+ 'Supernatural' Season 7 Promo +

Supernatural. - Page 13 466583 Gosh I love them!

Hâte de voir le blooper en entier ^^
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juil 2011, 13:12

Comic Con 2011 Supernatural Sneak Peek Season 7
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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

Nombre de messages : 9589
Localisation : nord (59)
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juil 2011, 15:17

hee j'adore les bloopers!!!^^...malheureusement c'est la seule chose qui m'intéresse maintenant dans la série!!
Ils ne savent vraiment pas s'arrêter!! j'ai perdu tout intérêt à ce show, je ne sais même plus quand j'ai regardé un épisode. Soooooo déçu!!!
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juil 2011, 22:32

Oh, c'est dommage! Perso, la saison 6 m'a impressionnée! Dieu sait que je suis pour le fait d'arrêter une série sur les chapeaux de roue au lieu de tirer en longueur et de tout ruiner (Ats Supernatural. - Page 13 369232 ) Mais SPN n'est pas encore allée dans ce travers en ce qui me concerne.

Evidemment, comme bien souvent, les fans sont scindés en 2 (ou plusieurs) groupes...

Tu t'es arrêtée à quel épisode (ou quelle saison)?
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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

Nombre de messages : 9589
Localisation : nord (59)
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 31 Juil 2011, 10:33

j'ai regardé toute la 5 et quelques épisodes de la 6. Même si la 5 n'est VRAIMENT PAS ma préférée et de loin, j'aurais pu me contenter de cette fin avec Sam mort sauvant le monde et dean ayant enfin une famille. mais non voilà de nouveau un winchester "ressuscité"!!!! comment vont-ils finir la série maintenant?? et toute cette histoire d'ange, de paradis, de dieu, d'enfer..... me gonfle de chez gonfle, même castiel a perdu tout son charme pour moi.
j'aimais vraiment mieux quand la série était plus "intimiste", percutante, drôle sans trop d'excès, de la vraie badasserie. quand j'étais toute "vite vite faut que je vois le prochain" Maintenant ça traine juste en longueur avec des histoires inintéressantes (pour moi)
avant j'étais toute awwww quand je voyais un dean pleuré ou un sam torturé intérieurement maintenant je veux juste m'arracher les yeux lol!!

mais c'est vrai que j'ai pas vu toute la saison 6 et pas dans le meilleur état d'esprit^^ quand la série sera finie (SI elle finie un jour lol) je me referai l'intégrale (au moins, les 3 1ères saisons et une partie de la 4 me mettront de meilleurs humeur^^)
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 31 Juil 2011, 11:05

Ouais, la 5 était un cran en dessous, mais perso, j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé la 6!

Ils sont revenus, en un sens, à une ambiance plus intimiste. Bon, y a un mytharc, mais tout le truc de Castiel est au second plan pour la plus grande partie de la saison.

Enfin, moi j'ai adoré. Et je pense que la saison 7 sera la dernière. Enfin, c'est l'impression qu'on beaucoup de gens en tout cas, et je partage leur opinion. Je veux dire, je vois pas bien où ils pourraient aller après ça.

D'un autre côté, je voyais pas bien où ils pourraient aller après Lucifer, mais ils ont réussi le pari en ce qui me concerne.

Maintenant, ce qu'il y a, c'est que la chaine risque de vouloir garder SPN si J² sont toujours sous contrat. C'est l'une de leur série les plus populaires, à mon avis, ils vont essayer de gratter le plus possible, quitte à ce que la qualité en prenne un coup Supernatural. - Page 13 Pas_cont
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011, 16:11

SFX Magazine, dans son tome de Sepember, fait un résumé du pourquoi SPN est tant appréciée (attention, Spoilers pour les 6 saisons!)

Citation :
20 Reasons we love Supernatural

Supernatural’s more than just a monster-of-the-week horror series. Sure, it’s scary, bloody and violent – and proud of it, too. But it’s also hilarious, emotional and more twisted than a game of Twister (which, if ever it was played on this show would probably result in a puddle of dismembered body parts).

Now six seasons old and with a seventh on the way, Supernatural is one of the most consistently surprising and endlessly loveable shows on TV. SFX takes a journey through the world of the Winchester brothers and reveal why...

1. The Family Business
Hunting is always described as a “job” on Supernatural. The boys do it because that’s what they’re expected to do: it has lousy hours, terrible pay (i.e. none) and will probably kill them young, but it’s their thing. “Saving people, hunting things – the family business,” as Dean describes it. Despite the show’s supernatural trappings, the Winchesters are merely blue-collar workers contributing to society in their own way. Similarly, many of the creatures they hunt are just going to work, too, such as the angel Zachariah, who moans about his bosses and the work they want from him. It’s the clash between the mundane and the magic that make Supernatural so believable, even when it’s being unbelievable.

2. Crowley
Marc Sheppard’s guaranteed to be a blast in any show he appears in, but there’s something about Crowley that fits him so snugly he probably needs a shoehorn to ease himself in and out of the character. One of hell’s smuggest demons – and boy there’s a lot to choose from – Crowley’s sarcastic comments, snide Britishisms (“Fancy a fag and a chat?”) and fancy whistle’n’flutes enable him to lord it over the Winchesters with aplomb. Without a doubt his twisted sense of humour is his greatest asset – such as the time he made a lifelong homophobe kiss him on the lips to seal a deal for the poor schlub’s soul.

3. “Eye of the Tiger”
One of the show’s finest – if unplanned – moments, popping up at the end of the episode “Yellow Fever” features Jensen Ackles having a practical joke played on him which he flips around to his advantage faster than you can say “Survivor”. He’s supposed to be filming a scene as Dean, who’s sitting in the car listening to “Eye of the Tiger” on the stereo and waiting for Sam to arrive. However, when co-star Jared Padalecki doesn’t show, Ackles sits up, starts singing along, climbs onto the roof and plays his leg like a guitar. Priceless – and the fact that this outtake is included as part of the episode shows just how off-the-wall the showrunners are.

4. The Motel Rooms
A show featuring two men on a permanent road-trip across America obviously needs to utilise a million motel room sets, but rather than settling on a bog-standard four-walled square containing two beds and a bathroom, the show’s production designers have had fun from day one. Almost every hotel we’ve seen in the show has had some kind of theme going on, from a 70’s disco room to one dedicated to the joys of fishing. Gaudy wallpaper, hideous curtains, puke-coloured bedspreads: we’ve seen them all, and the ubiquitous motel room set has become part of Supernatural’s iconic style.

5. It thinks BIG
Supernatural’s first year essentially remade classic horror films (Candyman, Duel, Ring) until sometime in season two, it was as if someone had thrown a switch from “playing it safe” to “just go wild!” Since then the Winchesters have been to Heaven, Hell, the future, the past, alternate realities and dream worlds. They’ve met gods galore – including one disguised as Paris Hilton, of all people – and have tangled with everything from dragons to sirens. You name it, they do it, even if you think it’s insane. And they pull it off.

6. Sam’s Chest
In 2005, Jared Padalecki stepped into the shoes of Sam Winchester looking exactly how he should look: a lanky, skinny law student who’d turned his back on hunting. Fast-forward six years and, thanks to some serious weight training on Padalecki’s part, Sam now drips with muscles. It’s a remarkable transformation that actually mirrors the changes in Sam himself over the years, too: from unwilling hunter to killing machine. Oh, and the rare occasions on which he removes his shirt don’t hurt the ratings with the female demographic, either.

7. Smashed Fourth Wall
Supernatural plays with the laws of meta so bravely that we’ve seen our heroes discover they’re the stars of a series of books named Supernatural and that their adventures are followed by gangs of groupies on the internet. They’ve even attended an actual Supernatural convention and, to add to the madness, season six features and episode in which they play their real-life selves.

8. Demons and Angels
Pretty much from the get-go we knew there were demons in the world of Supernatural, possessing humans left, right and centre and killing innocents willy-nilly. But it wasn’t until season four and the introduction of angels into the mythology that Supernatural really kicked off, because suddenly there was a ying to the demons yang and the forces of good and evil could battle to the level they were supposed to reach. The angels aren't merely wishy-washy harpists with halos and fluffy wings, either; they range from smite-happy double crossers to full-on human hating bad guys. With God’s heavenly warriors now in the fold, the scene was set for an apocalyptic countdown that became the crux of the next two years. And the show finally grew up.

9. Ben Edlund
The shows writing team all have their strong points, but we’ve chosen to spotlight Ben Edlund because we suspect he’s the craziest of the bunch. The man behind The Tick and some of Angel’s most off-the-wall episodes has also been responsible for some of Supernatural’s finest hours, bringing his skewed sense of humour to the world of horror with all the glee of a big kid. Thanks to Edlund, we’ve had giant suicidal teddy bears, fairies exploding in microwaves and a black and white homage to Universal horror films featuring Count Dracula on a moped. Mr. Edlund, we salute you!

10. It’s Funny
Supernatural is hilarious. There are the hysterical ways people die, the ridiculous plot twists, the utterly bizarre way conventions are played with. Probably the best example of the show’s sense of humour came in the episode “Changing Channels” which saw the Winchesters trapped in TV-land and having to take part in a sadistic Japanese game show which had them being hit in the goolies for giving the wrong answer (NUTCRACKER!!!! Yells the show’s excitable host). Later in the same episode Sam became KITT from Knight Rider!

11. The Music
Given the penchant for American TV shows to wallow in bland soundtracking (check out the dirges they use on The Vampire Diaries)it’s still astonishing when you tune into Supernatural to find them blaring AC/DC, Def Leppard, Lynyrd Skynyrd or Joey Ramone. Most of the music on the show is Americana at it’s finest – check out it’s unofficial theme song, “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas – and the guys even use aliases of famous musicians while pretending to be FBI agents. Classic rock is in the blood that runs through Supernatural’s veins.

12. It’s About Family
Sure, it’s a series about two guys hunting monsters from one end of America to the other, but when you get down to basics it’s mainly about how far these two guys will go to protect each other. Family is everything to Dean and Sam, so much so that they’ve frequently died for each other along the way and their entire existence has been focused on avenging a family member’s death. There may be gore, but this show’s got love at its core. (No, not Wincest. We weren’t going to mention *that*.)

13. The Trickster/Gabriel
One of the most ingenious character arcs we’ve seen in years, was entirely accidental and yet, somehow, worked so well it’s like it was mean to be. Richard Speight Jr’s Trickster, first introduced in season’s two “Tall Tales”, was originally meant to be an old demigod who enjoyed messing with pompous humans by playing cruel jokes on them. After a handful of guest appearances, during which time he yanked the brother’s chains so mightily and comically he became the show’s most lovable bad guy, the Trickster was finally unveiled as none other than the archangel Gabriel taking a holiday on Earth. The fact that the writer’s spun such a deceit without meaning to (the angels weren’t even going to be part of the show when he was created) shows just how sneaky they can be. Fear them!

14. It’s Scary
Supernatural can be many things: funny, heartfelt, moving, daft, epic. But the one thing that’s driven it since day one is it’s irrepressible urge to scare the pants off it’s audience. From killer clowns with freaky CGI smiles to serial killers who throw parties for corpses, Supernatural’s got three things covered: the big build up followed by a scare, the lone victim about to meet their doom and suddenly screaming blue murder as they see it approaching; and the hack-and-slash, guts-on-the-floor demise that has you hiding behind your hands. Watch it and shudder! And possibly throw up a little...

15. The Bad Guys
Supernatural’s Team Evil are as diabolical as they come: all the way from the first few seasons’ Yellow-Eyed Demon to Lucifer in season five. The smaller villains aren’t to be sniffed at, either – take the way Ruby boo-hissed her way through two seasons without us knowing for sure which side she was on, or the joyously creative insults conjured by Zachariah (“Quit hurling faeces like a howler monkey, would you? It’s unbecoming”) When these guys are bad, they’re *good*.

16. The 1967 Chevrolet Impala
The Millenium Falcon to the Winchester boys’ Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Han is Dean; Sam is Luke), this monster of a classic car is a black and chrome beauty which growls like Barry White with a laryngitis. We’ve seen her crushed by a truck, providing Dean somewhere to seduce a lady and even saving the world (memories of happy times in the Impala helped Sam overcome Lucifer’s possession). Mostly, however, she’s simply a part of the family – things aren’t the same without her.

17. Bobby Singer
The irascible Bobby first popped up in the season one finale and slotted into the show’s mythos so perfectly it’s hard to believe he hadn’t been around since the start. Essentially the father the boys should have instead of the one they *did* have, Bobby has been the grounding in Dean and Sam’s lives both in himself and with his house. Jim Beaver’s grumpy-yet-lovable hunter also comes with two iconic catchphrases: “Idjits” and “Balls”

18. Castiel
With the addition of angels came Castiel, the trench-coated holy tax accountant lookalike who pulled Dean out of Perdition and who proceeded, in a few short episodes, to become so popular with audiences he became a permanent cast member. This was some feat, achieved in part by actor Misha Collins’ ability to radiate “I’m going to smite you at any moment” angelic menace with an undercurrent of Lt Data-like innocence of all things human. The fans call him a “BAMF” (Bad-Ass Mother-F**cker), but the joy of Castiel is that he can still fall foul of a whoopee cushion with the best of us.

19. Dean’s Wisecracks
He’s got a filthy mind, a mouth that refuses to censor itself and a knowledge of film, TV and music that can match any situation to something we know and love. Take the moment in the episode “Jus In Bello” when an FBI agent discovers he’s just killed a comrade while possessed by a demon. “I shot the Sheriff,” he gasps, horrified. To which Dean qupis, “But you didn’t shoot the deputy!” A tumbleweed moment ensues among his companions, but hey, he made us laugh. And he always does.

Oh, the deliciousness of Supernatural’s murders, mutilations and monsters! From hapless victims tripping and falling onto forks to gruesome decapitations by buzzsaws; to creatures bloodily shredded by woodcutters to knives prodding at eyeballs, there’s barely a hideous piece of carnage this show hasn’t shown along the way. Our favourite has to be the simpering couple on a chaste Valentine’s date who go from kissing to cannibalism in the space of a few frantic seconds. Yummy!
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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

Nombre de messages : 9589
Localisation : nord (59)
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011, 17:59

Citation :
3. “Eye of the Tiger”
One of the show’s finest – if unplanned – moments, popping up at the end of the episode “Yellow Fever” features Jensen Ackles having a practical joke played on him which he flips around to his advantage faster than you can say “Survivor”. He’s supposed to be filming a scene as Dean, who’s sitting in the car listening to “Eye of the Tiger” on the stereo and waiting for Sam to arrive. However, when co-star Jared Padalecki doesn’t show, Ackles sits up, starts singing along, climbs onto the roof and plays his leg like a guitar. Priceless – and the fact that this outtake is included as part of the episode shows just how off-the-wall the showrunners are.

Supernatural. - Page 13 Clap_gif hee, un des meilleurs moments!!!!

Citation :
16. The 1967 Chevrolet Impala

ahhh l'impala, un de mes persos préférés de la série^^!!!

Citation :
6. Sam’s Chest

lol c'est vrai qu'il y a eu du changement au fil des saisons. Jared en avait sûrement marre que toutes les filles préféraient Jensen^^
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 21 Aoû 2011, 13:12

+ Saison 7 +

Trailer du 7x01 ^^

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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

Nombre de messages : 9589
Localisation : nord (59)
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Aoû 2011, 10:14

j'aime le "kiss your cass goodbye"^^
aussi non, don't care much.
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Aoû 2011, 19:57

Heh, j'aime aussi ^^

Et moi, j'suis super excitée! Et pas juste pour CC!!!!
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû 2011, 17:40

New preview:

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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

Supernatural. - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeVen 09 Sep 2011, 17:10

Citation :
Jensen Ackles Previews Supernatural Season 7
Sep 8, 2011

To the delight of Supernatural's fans, the CW horror show — TV Guide Magazine's first Fan Favorite cover last year — is returning to its seventh season on Friday, September 23. "This year," says executive producer Sera Gamble, "we were really inspired by one of our touchstone movies when we think about Dean [Jensen Ackles] and Sam [Jared Padalecki] and their relationship — Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. We wanted to pit them against a force that's much greater than them with great resources and take away the tools that Sam and Dean are used to having. They feel outmatched and cornered. It's very much a thriller." With that in mind, TV Guide Magazine caught up with Ackles for more scoop on the upcoming season.

Congratulations. Your little show is about to start its seventh season. Can you believe it?
No, I can't. It was unbelievable we made Season 5, then 6, now we're doing 7 and they're already looking into the future of 8, so I'm just like, "What?" It's not gonna be, "Sam, get me the salt and the gun." It's gonna be, "Sam, throw me my walker!"

Where does Season 7 start?
It's a direct pick-up from where we left off [in May]. Castiel [Misha Collins] looks at Sam and Dean and tells them that they're essentially ants in the scheme of things. Now that he's God, he has no need for them and to stay out of his way... When they track Cas down, they realize that when he took in all those monsters souls from purgatory, there were much older things that got into him as well. There's a new, basically unknown, enemy in the world. It's something that the guys have never dealt with.

That doesn't sound good.
No. [laughs] We're going to start taking things away from Sam and Dean that they've relied on in their hunter life. There's no lore to help them out and no book to tell them what to do. Bobby [Jim Beaver] throws his hands in the air. At one point they might even have to stash the Impala, because it's too recognizable. The lead problem this year, is that all their little tricks that they've used to exist, credit card fraud and gambling, those are ways for this evil to track them down. It poses a bit of a challenge for the boys. They throw everything they can at Sam and Dean and they have to wriggle their way out.

We know Crowley [Mark A. Sheppard] is back. What's the King of Hell up to?
He's been hiding from Cas, who was his partner. There is a little "I'll help you if you help me" going on.

Who else is back?
Death [Julian Richings] is in the season opener. He's the one that gives Sam and Dean the information they need about Cas and the new evil that will loom over the guys for the first half of the season. There's more than one. They could be anywhere. They don't only want to kill the brothers, they want to take over the planet.

So the boys have to save the world again?
Yes, they're essentially going to have to save the world again.

Isn't Sam still struggling with the breakdown of the wall in his brain that kept away his memories from Hell?
Definitely. He's getting these flashbacks from Hell now that the wall that Death built is crumbling. There are visions and hauntings. It's almost like he has to overcome a drug problem. Dean and Bobby are very concerned because he checks out every now and then.

Now that Dean is single again, will he go back to being catnip for the ladies?
Well, in one episode I do walk into a bar and hit on a waitress and say how it's been a long time! I don't know that there's going to be a lot of room for that. [Laughs]

You're directing your second episode. When will it air and was it easier this time around?
It will air third [October 7] It was much more challenging than last year. There was a lot of story going on. And flashbacks. [This time] it's a one-off. Sam takes off on his own. He catches a case that he's familiar with back from 1998. He was left home to do research while Dad and Dean were off hunting creatures, and he wound up running into the creatures himself. He had to make a very tough decision when he meets a girl and he's smitten. Now he's tracking her as a grown up. We have a really cool guest star playing her — Jewel Staite, who I've known since she was on Firefly.

We hear the hunter Jo [Alona Tal] is returning, despite her death back in Season 5.
She's brought back as kind of a materialized blast from the past when Dean is put on trial by an ancient Egyptian god who calls a few witnesses to the stand. It's a heartwarming scene between the two of them.


Qui d'autre est excité??? :005:
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Ship Addict
Ship Addict

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Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 11 Sep 2011, 15:33

nope t'es la seule!! lol kk

hee j'adore toujours leurs bêtisiers!!! tu m'étonnes qu'ils doivent se lâcher après tout ce qu'ils ont de dramatique à tourner.
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

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Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 11 Sep 2011, 15:40

Méchante Supernatural. - Page 13 77288

M'en fiche, moi j'ai hâte et c'est ce qui compte!

Sinon clair, vu les intrigues, ils sont obligés de se défouler et de se changer les idées!
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Jensen Girl
Jensen Girl

Nombre de messages : 31402
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Supernatural.   Supernatural. - Page 13 Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep 2011, 12:55

+ Poster saison 7 +

This is just gorgeous!!!! (malgré les yeux rouges et WTF de Sam...)

Supernatural. - Page 13 DP1ja
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